
KuroUsagi's Souvenir of Visit Homepage

@These are photo which is taken from Yogan road or on from a ferry.
–When a movie is strange due to repetition of scroll, push a renewal button and reshow.

Sea and Mt.Sakurajima the top of Mt.Sakurajima Mt.Sakurajima with the cloud
the surface of a mountain the surface of a mountain the Yogan Road
the lava the volcanic ashes the wave behind a ferry and Mt.Sakurajima
the surface of a mountain Mt.Sakurajima beside the sea Mt.Sakurajima beside the sea
smoke smoky Mt.Sakurajima

*the Kirishimayaku national park*
@A part of the park is at the foot of Mt.Sakurajima. The walking path which be able to enjoy the grate Mt.Sakurajima is free!

the view of Mt.Sakurajima from the park the view of Mt.Sakurajima from the park a stone monument
Mt.Sakurajima Kiss? the rocks of lovers? a lava tableland
the view of Mt.Sakurajima from the park the walking path the view of Mt.Sakurajima from the park
the view of Mt.Sakurajima from the park the walking path a lava tableland
Mt.Sakurajima and the walking path
