**Organic Genmaicha(a mix of green tea and roasted brown rice) Kamoarare**
 This Genmaicha is made from the carefully roasted organic brown rice which is made by the aigamo agricultural method and from the delicious tea leaves. It has the good savory aroma and the soft taste of brown rice. The brown rice and tea leaves get along well with each other. The taste is woderfull!
 Kamo in Japanese means the duck in English. Now Kamo equals the crossbreed between the mallard and the domestic duck. Arare is a short word for the cubic rice crackers. Kamoarare expresses the roasted organic brown rice which is made by the aigamo agricultural method.

Organic Genmaicha(a mix of green tea and roasted brown rice) Kamoarare
Organic Genmaicha(a mix of green tea and roasted brown rice) Kamoarare Organic Genmaicha(a mix of green tea and roasted brown rice) Kamoarare